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Now, the detail planning starts …
The registration deadline came and went. The flight from (and sadly, also to *g*) Canada is booked. The toast is warming up … 😉
Now, the detail planning can start, and soon, the programme participants and gophers will get mail.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you all!
The registration form is back and functioning!
The title says it all – let’s hope it stays that way.
So, the registrations can roll in 😉
Take care, Katy
Registration form temporarily out of order
Unfortunately, it was just noticed that the registration form currently does not work. What a timing, with the UK filkcon going on this weekend … There is a server error on my provider‘s side and I have opened a ticket. I know they are doing some work this weekend, so maybe something they did affected the form. Hopefully, I will find out soon. Sorry for the inconvenience… 🙁
Online-Registration opens on Sunday, 10th December 2017 :)
Hey there, dear filk friends, now the time is (almost) there … a little later than I had intended, but we are ready to start. On Sunday, 10th December I will activate the online registration form. Since I am not a night owl anymore like other con organisers (*smile*), that is not going to happen at midnight but at some time by Sunday late morning, after I got out of bed. So, just drop by and have a look on Sunday – and register for CONtrapunkt 🙂 I am looking forward to it!
There will be PDF versions of the PR1 with registration form for printout, as well; I will put it into the Downloads area within the next week, for people who prefer paper or do not want to send their data across the internet. I will also bring printed versions of the PR 1 to the British Filk Con “Enhar30nicon” and will accept cash payments (as usual, exact change in Euro, in a clearly marked envelope, please) from people who would like to attend.
The countdown has begun … !
Take care,