Online-Registration opens on Sunday, 10th December 2017 :)

Hey there, dear filk friends, now the time is (almost) there … a little later than I had intended, but we are ready to start. On Sunday, 10th December I will activate the online registration form. Since I am not a night owl anymore like other con organisers (*smile*), that is not going to happen at midnight but at some time by Sunday late morning, after I got out of bed. So, just drop by and have a look on Sunday – and register for CONtrapunkt 🙂 I am looking forward to it!

There will be PDF versions  of the PR1 with registration form for printout, as well; I will put it into the Downloads area within the next week, for people who prefer paper or do not want to send their data across the internet.  I will also bring printed versions of the PR 1 to the British Filk Con “Enhar30nicon” and will accept cash payments (as usual, exact change in Euro, in a clearly marked envelope, please) from people who would like to attend.

The countdown has begun … !

Take care,