We would like to say thank you!
It was an awesome convention which only became what it was because of all of YOU. Special thanks goes out once again to all the helping hands, and of course to our guests!
We are now recovering a bit and will then close the books as soon as possible, so that we can inform you about the final donation amount which will go to Sternenbrücke! We will also inform you about the details of the donation handover.
Hopefully, we will see each other again at Intermezzo next year? 🙂
What is CONtrapunkt?
A (C)Kontrapunkt (which is the German word for counterpoint) is the harmony of two or more different voices, which are rhythmically and melodically independent.
No, seriously now – it’s a con, isn’t it? Of course it is 🙂
Just like FilkCONtinental, this is a special con for all bards of the future, minstrels of the past and musicians of the present. A con for music-loving ScienceFiction and Fantasy fans with a liking for folky sound, handmade music, but also for parodies or rock’n roll rhythms. Workshops about music (and sometimes even more unusual subjects) are likely to catch your attention. Be surprised! A con to sing along or to kick back, listen and watch.
Due to circumstance, FilkCONtinental will not be happening in 2018. Therefore, CONtrapunkt is a convention that wants to bridge the creative pause of FC and make sure there will be a filk con happening in autumn 2018 in Germany. The small team running this year’s convention consists both of long-standing FC concom, as well as members of the German filk community who are familiar with convention running. We will happily hand over the baton again as soon as FC comes back. So – while we will be “rhythmically and melodically independent” we will still work together. There is not going to be a whole lot of changes from the familiar con, really, and I hope that you will join us there 🙂
So much for the similarities.
A major difference at CONtrapunkt is that we will not be using the Filk Fund. All potential surplus funds this year, as well as the auction proceeds of this convention (which is planned as a one-time-event) will be donated in full to the foundation Kinder-Hospiz Sternenbrücke (“Star Bridge” childrens hospice care). The Filk Fund is still well filled, especially after the last amazing auction result, and will next be used for guests for FilkCONtinental.
I know that filkers have a big heart – let’s do some good together!
I am looking forward to seeing many familiar faces and maybe also new ones in autumn 2018 in Wernigerode!